Aldeburgh Times

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2000 of these magazines are printed per month. 1500 are delivered door to door and the remaining 500 are distributed between outlets, eateries and local businesses.

Contact Louise Gissing on 01728 833003 or email  to advertise.

Areas covered by the Aldeburgh Times:

Aldeburgh, Alde Valley, Leiston, Woodbridge, Ipswich, Orford, Thorpeness, Suffolk Coastal District, East Suffolk – and more!

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February Edition

Aldeburgh Mayors, past and present, have come out in force to express their strong opposition to Sealink’s planned cable route and its impact on our environment. All feel there are better alternatives. If you wish to learn more please visit page 4 where there is a link to the proposals online.  

January Edition

I’ve never heard of Trinity Pilots so this month’s offering from Alde Valley Suffolk Family History group was an education. Chris Broom explains why Pilots were needed on the Suffolk coast to prevent shipwrecks. See page 15 for more insight into this interesting chapter in Aldeburgh’s seafaring history.  

December Edition

This is the final edition of the Aldeburgh Times for 2024 and, as always, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the contributors who take the time to send me news and photos to share with our readers. One thing I have learnt whilst editing our six titles is that there are many unsung heroes who do so much for our communities and bring people together, without expecting anything in return.